Curious How Petra Can Transform Your Life?

Check out the Healing Stories and Testimonials from Clients Around The World

How Elena Overcame Intimacy Blocks with Theta Healing

“Before working with Petra I had been struggling with showing up as my fullest self in the world…

When we sat down to work together, through a few simple questions she quickly identified that I was still very tied up with energy patterns from a past relationship and held many toxic beliefs around being shunned and shamed for speaking my truth, and specifically that it wasn't safe to earn money because of that relationship. After a period of time in which we identified the blocks, she summed it all up in a massive list of the most important things we had discussed (from memory! I was super impressed) and then she activated the Theta space to clear it out. This was a goose bump, body tingling experience, and I felt a profound shift. We tested to see that the patterns had been released and they had!! 

Since then I have felt more free to speak my truth, and my interactions with my past partner have been much more loving.

If you've got any stuck spots in your life, I highly recommend Petra and her skills as a Theta Healer to help you move through as quickly as possible. Thank you so much Petra for your help, and your loving presence through this whole process.” - Elena, Joy & Intimacy Coach, Canada

How Amy Healed From Lactose Intolerance & Found Her Direction

“I am so grateful to Petra for helping me cure something I have struggled with for years. I didn’t think this was possible, but she helped cure my lactose intolerance!

I used to get bloated with gas and have digestive issues when consuming dairy. But I love to eat cheese and have cream in my coffee... I was hesitant at first but said why not, all I can do is try.

We did a session to clear the program for lactose intolerance, and shortly after I went to have coffee with cream and a burrito with cheddar cheese. To my surprise, I had no issues at all!

Its been 6 months since the healing and I haven’t had any lactose intolerance ever since.

She also gave me a Higher Self reading and gave me so much clarity and direction on my path. She’s been my guiding star and I often come back to her when I hit a road block or a road fork in life. She always has a way of helping me sort my thoughts and helping me come to a decision so I’m at peace.

She sees me.
When I feel blind and too clouded with confusion, fear, anger, or sadness, she acts as my eyes to help me see the truth of my situation and get out of the fogginess. She can cut through the BS and the stories and get right to what is needed.

She’s like a Fairy God Mother! Except she’s very playful, real and relatable.

I highly recommend all her services, and advise that you come back to her periodically so you can check in to see if you are aligned and on the right path.

I love working with Petra because it’s like checking my life’s GPS- she helps me tune into my soul so I can know if I’m living in my truth and highest alignment, or if I have veered off path.” - Amy, Fashion Entrepreneur, USA

How Matthias Healed His Rejection Wound

“I worked with Petra in a Theta Healing Session, where she supported me in healing the hurt of rejection from my mother. Petra was so sensitive, empathic, and affectionate that it was possible for me to connect with my mother’s spirit and later on with my father in mutual love and forgiveness. She channeled their spirits and facilitated a conversation between us that was incredibly healing and full of love. I felt a sense of great peace and acceptance by the end of the session, Thank you so much for your love, kindness and liveliness Petra!” - Matthias, Manager, Germany

How Christian Made Peace with His Past & Felt Safe To Be Himself

“Working with Petra has been a very nurturing process. The field she creates gives you the ability to naturally let go of the shields you carry to protect your pride and your inner fears. After letting go of that, you are held in this safe space- a space where you actually realize, that it’s okay to be you… That you are actually profound in all the ways you are and that the mistakes and failures you carry around and beat yourself up with are absolutely natural and just part of the big mosaic that makes you, you.

I experienced amazing results in our first session. I was guided into digging deep into myself immediately, without feeling exposed, but strong and safe.

As my whole family now is a huge fan of Petra’s work, I can totally recommend this to anybody who is ready to give it a shot.” - Christian, Videographer, Germany

How Eva Went From Doubt to Joy Instantly

“I’ve never felt so comfortable and relaxed as I did during my theta healing session with Petra. Her gentle yet enthusiastic energy helps you to open up and release your old belief systems and receive new, kinder and more serving ones. Highly recommended. Expect to leave the session feeling lighter, more confident and energetic, carrying a huge smile on your lips!” - Eva, Yoga Teacher, Sweden

How Daniel Found Answers To Urgent Questions in the Akashic Records

“I was fortunate to get an Akashic Records reading with Petra. She pulled in some very resonant imagery and ideas that helped answer an urgent question that I was going to ask, but in the end did not need to as she answered the question before I asked it.

Her delivery was direct but friendly, warm, playful and serious in the appropriate spots. Would consult again. 5 out of 5 Eagle Feathers.” - Daniel, Shamanic Healer, England